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Conway's Game Of Life


Platform: Windows PC

Language: Python

Tools Used:  Pycharm, Pyglet Library 

Duration4 Weeks

Completion: 2021

Role: Programmer


This was my first project in games programming that I completed in my own time during secondary school. After hearing about Conway's Game of Life on YouTube I was curious about how the game would be affected if the mechanics were slightly different, if the values for spawning and death were changed. So I decided to make my own version where you can do just that.

Project Goals:

  • Learn Python and how to utilise libraries

  • Implement a system for adjusting automata rules in real time to observe their affects


WASD - Navigate and adjust spawn values menu

UP ARROW - increase rate by 1​
DOWN ARROW - decrease rate by 1

​RIGHT ARROW - increase rate by 10

​LEFT ARROW - decrease rate by 10

ENTER - clear screen

SPACEBAR - begin simulation

E - increment simulation

LMB - draw

RMB - delete

C - change colour

CAPS LOCK - randomise living tiles

1,2,3 - save slots

F1,F2,F3 - load save states

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